October 30, 2010 – 5:05 AM
by Syd Lexia
In honor of Halloween, Steve and Jeff over at 8bitrocket.com held a contest where the prize was a copy of the Wii version of the 2010 remake of Atari’s classic 1981 game Haunted House. The contest rules were simple: name another classic Atari game you’d like to see remade. My suggestion, a remake of the unfinished Swordquest series as a single, won. I should note that 8bitrocket is no way affiliated with Atari, so don’t expect to see the game come to fruition. That being said, you should still definitely visit 8bitrocket.com. They design flash games and flash game engines, specializing in retro arcade style action. They have also written a book on how to code and design your own flash games.
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