February 7, 2006 – 12:29 AM by Syd Lexia

      It’s time once again for Fun With Search engines, the recurring SydLexia.com site report where you can see some of the keywords that visitors to the site typed into search engines along with some half-assed commentary from me. This FWSE report covers the week starting January 29th and ending February 4th. Enjoy!

1. internet porn passcodes – Ha, nice try. I hate to break this to you, but due to strict international decency regulations, there is no pornographic material available anywhere on the internet. Sorry.

2. you can’t do that on television – How dare you presume to tell me what I can and cannot do on television. Fuck you.

3. murdar machene – This is what happens when my forum members Google themselves. If you join my goddam forums, you too could be featured in Fun With Search Engines.

DISCLAIMER: You won’t be.

4. preteens fucking preteens – I try to ignore this shit, but every time I see it, it makes me fucking angry. The degenerates who search for child pornography need to be held accountable for it. Unfortunately, there’s not much that I can do except try to embarrass them. Below, you’ll find a list of the IPs of all the people who found my site by searching for some variant of “fucking preteens” on February 1st. Why only that one day? Because I’m not a fucking watchdog and this is a pain in the ass to do, that’s why. Anyway, here the IPs of some disgusting human beings who need to be shot:

5. fuck you raiden – So you want to fuck the God of Thunder, huh? Let’s see what he has to say about this…

6. john hughes the best director ever – John Hughes was a pretty good director, but he was not the best. I’ve got two words for you, two words that automatically disqualify him from ever receiving the honor of Best Director Ever: Curly Sue.

7. nude pictures of kara borden – You know, she’s underage and she’s not even newsworthy anymore. If you people don’t stop with this shit, I’ll start publishing your IPs too.

      And so the curtain closes on yet another installment of Fun With Search Engines. If this didn’t manage to hold your interest, you can always check out my latest article. It’s on the classic 1987 Pink Floyd album A Momentary Lapse of Reason and it’s far more interesting than this shit. It’s also much longer.

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