June 13, 2009 – 11:53 AM by GPFontaine

      I am pleased to announce that SydLexia.com has integrated Facebook Connect into the site’s blog, Site News and Random Shit. Those interested in leaving a comment are now able to use their Facebook credentials to do so.

4 Responses to “SydLexia.com Site News Adds Facebook Connect!”

Facebook Connect on SydLexia.com!

This is a comment I am leaving with my hands and keyboard.

My friends keep on telling me to get on facebook, but I shall never surrender!

Cattivo, it is worth it to just have the account so that no one else can pretend to be you. It just links direct contact to you with your email. You can pretty much make yourself invisible on it.

By GPFontaine on Jun 16, 2009 @ 9:51 pm

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