July 29, 2009 – 9:30 PM by Syd Lexia

      This week at my local supermarket, The small packages of Pop Tarts were on sale, 5 boxes for $5, and there was an internet coupon for an additional dollar off the purchase. So after four consecutive days of shopping, I am now the proud owner of 20 boxes of Pop Tarts. If I can limit myself to one packet per day, I have enough Pop Tarts to last me 80 days. But if I suddenly lose it and go on a Pop Tart binge, I am severely fucked; diabetes runs in my family.

8 Responses to “SydLexia.com: A Proud Sponsor Of Adult Onset Diabetes”


By First Post Guy on Jul 29, 2009 @ 9:37 pm

I love it!

However, I detect a HUGE lack of the frosted strawberry variety, which is of course the king of Pop Tart flavors.

Brown sugar, however, IS excellent.

By SoldierHawk on Jul 31, 2009 @ 12:25 am

Well, a stipulation of the sale was that you HAD to buy 5 to get them at that price. And I got there late every day, so the selection wasn’t great. That lonely box of unfrosted Strawberry Pop Tarts is literally the last box of Strawberry they had left that day.

Syd, I have absolutely no faith in your ability to restrain yourself from devouring packet after packet of Pop Tart goodness in a single binge. Goodbye my friend.

I think I can restrain myself. I’m pretty sure the only way a Syd Lexia Pop Tart binge will happen is if the evil Dr. Jeebus raids my stash. Then I’ll eat the rest of them as an anti-theft initiative.

lmao, does everything connect to facebook and i have been reading this site sense i was like 12 and now im 17 how much of my life has been spent on sydlexia

Who’s that in the back?

Kris Lexia, also seen here:

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