January 10, 2009 – 9:41 AM
by Syd Lexia
As the project leader over at Gamers Against Racism!, I recently contacted myself to let me know that the Final Fantasy poster has been updated. It is now animated. I have decided to pass this important time sensitive information on to you. Act now! Add this graphic to your MySpace!

So when are you going to be fair and allow the ARG a space on your site??
Possibly soon. I’ll have to track down the elusive ARG Prez.
Hey GP, I commented. Now give me that damn badge.
You earned it!
I checked out the GAR site (wasn’t aware of it til now), and I love it! Some awesome banners there, but as an original FF fan, this one is by far my favorite. It has a happy home now on the top of my myspace page 😀
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