December 15, 2008 – 1:18 PM by GPFontaine

      With over 50 registrants, the first official SNES Championship has begun. Douche McCallister is leading the forumers in the second video game challenge of the year. Just like the NES challenge held this past summer, he started the competition off with a bit of Zelda magic. The first challenge includes three boss fights from A Link to the Past.


      The first part of the challenge is to defeat Helmasaur with nothing but a single heart, a sword, and the hammer. If you don’t remember this boss, he is the the orange colored, fire breathing, tail wagging jerk that greets you as you attempt to finish the first labyrinth in the dark world. Muster your hatred of Douche’s selection and attack him as quickly as you can!


      Second in line is Arrghus the eyeball freak. Once again, Douche has presented you with only the bare essentials required to finish this fight. Hookshot with precision because if you miss, that single heart isn’t going to keep you alive very long.


      Should you pass through the first two portions of this challenge, you will be welcomed by Blind. One would initially think that Douche had been kind with this part of the challenge. He gives you the hookshot, the hammer, and a few hearts! Unfortunately he gives just enough hearts for you to have hope. Don’t expect this to be an easy fight. Blind will shoot you with his laser beam, toss his heads around at you and spit fireballs everywhere.

Game Over

The Douche is angry, people… If this is the first challenge, think about what is to come!

The forumers are talking about this challenge in this thread.

The challenge information can be found here.

5 Responses to “It’s on and the Douche is angry!”

Man I can’t even beat the first boss. This is ridiculous! Oh wait I’m a robot, I beat the whole challenge in 3 seconds and thats including the 3 seconds I decided to goof off.

Why does the challenge skip Mothula?

I heard that Not Sure killed all three bosses using the Bow with no arrows.

By GPFontaine on Dec 15, 2008 @ 6:43 pm

I did but Douche finally figured out how I have been cheating and gave me 0 points for this round.

I don’t recall saying any of that.

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