November 25, 2009 – 11:14 AM by Syd Lexia

      Yesterday, while reviewing my daily site logs, I discovered I was getting a lot of referral traffic from an article on Topless Robot. Upon further investigation, I noticed two things:

      1. The “traffic” was simply a hotlinked image in an article.
      2. The “article” in question was complete trash.

It seems that some loser named Caleb Goellner was too lazy to host his own images for his paid submission to Topless Robot, so he hotlinked to one of my pictures of the Mega Man antagonist Burst Man for an article entitled The 9 Most Suggestive Mega Man Boss Names Ever. The article was the most embarrassingly stupid and incoherent drivel that I have ever read in my entire life, and I felt personally insulted that my bandwith was being used to further its existence. So at 3:30 PM EST yesterday, I did something about it. Specifically, I used my htaccess skills to block Topless Robot’s use of the original Burst Man image and replace it with one with a watermark on it. After several hours of that, I realized that Caleb hadn’t bothered to assign any size attributes to the image, which meant I could replace the original image with a giant image if I was so inclined. As it turned out, I was so inclined, so I forced out this image to Topless Robot:

As of the publication of this post, that image is still on the site. See it HERE.

November 13, 2009 – 12:07 PM by Syd Lexia

It took me 107 days, but I have finally finished all those Pop Tarts that I bought back in July.

November 9, 2009 – 4:00 PM by Syd Lexia

      As some of you may have noticed, portions of the website were hacked earlier. These portions have been fixed, and we are once again operating at full strength. I apologize greatly for any inconvenience this bullshit may have caused. I have ramped up site security to prevent fucking bullshit like this from ever happening again. Once again, I am sorry.

November 3, 2009 – 5:43 AM by Syd Lexia

It was five years ago today that the site launched. I hereby pledge to keep it going for at least another five.
– Syd Lexia

October 31, 2009 – 12:13 AM by Syd Lexia

Happy Halloween from Here’s my sister and some precariously stacked pumpkin pails.

October 29, 2009 – 12:34 AM by Syd Lexia

A new article is up.

October 13, 2009 – 12:01 AM by Syd Lexia


Haddox has updated his site.


September 30, 2009 – 10:27 PM by Syd Lexia

A new article from Valdronius is up.

September 9, 2009 – 9:09 AM by Syd Lexia


August 20, 2009 – 4:44 AM by Syd Lexia


Haddox has updated his site.


August 12, 2009 – 6:37 PM by Syd Lexia

      There is an ongoing discussion on the forums about bad webcomics, and it reminded me that I myself used to do one until I forget about it. But rather than revive my old webcomic, I’ve decided that should host a completely new webcomic by a fresh new author. And so, I proudly introduce Luscious Zombie Super Tits. Enjoy!

August 1, 2009 – 10:53 PM by Syd Lexia


Haddox has updated his site.


July 29, 2009 – 9:30 PM by Syd Lexia

      This week at my local supermarket, The small packages of Pop Tarts were on sale, 5 boxes for $5, and there was an internet coupon for an additional dollar off the purchase. So after four consecutive days of shopping, I am now the proud owner of 20 boxes of Pop Tarts. If I can limit myself to one packet per day, I have enough Pop Tarts to last me 80 days. But if I suddenly lose it and go on a Pop Tart binge, I am severely fucked; diabetes runs in my family.

July 22, 2009 – 3:51 PM by Syd Lexia

RIP, Les Lye.
Les Lye, November 18, 1924 – July 21, 2009

      Les Lye, a man who I admire greatly, passed away yesterday. Les had a very long and accomplished career in radio and television, but he is best known to many audiences as the guy who played EVERY SINGLE ADULT MALE CHARACTER on You Can’t Do That On Television. He was a great entertainer, and from what I’ve read, a great human being. I wish I could have met him. He will be greatly missed.

July 9, 2009 – 6:58 PM by Syd Lexia


Haddox has updated his site.


July 8, 2009 – 1:57 PM by Syd Lexia

A new article is up.


Haddox is back, with a slightly less dickish post than last time.


July 2, 2009 – 4:20 PM by Syd Lexia

      Now it’s time for Fun With Search Engines, the recurring site feature where I take a look at some of the keywords that brought hapless visitors to this website. This FWSE report is for the four week period beginning May 31st and ending June 27th. As always, these are all real searches.

1. nes worst rpg list fall – The top five worst NES RPGs are Hydlide, Hydlide, Hydlide, Hydlide, and of course, Hydlide.

2. albert pyun forum – Unlike Uwe Boll, Albert Pyun is a low budget director with heart and vision. His movies are rarely good by conventional standards, but they’re generally entertaining. I don’t know if there’s a forum dedicated to him, but you can talk about him on my forums. Brainsmasher is the best movie ever.

3. girls fucking random objects – Hmmm… no.

4. underappreciated nes games – Crystalis always springs to my mind as an NES game that was never as popular as it deserved to be.

5. japanese guy killed a bull with one punch – Big deal, I can take down a bull with one punch:

Fuck you, Bald Bull.

6. usa porno – There is absolutely no porn in USA. If there was, I’m certain I would have seen it, or at least heard about it. You generally have to go to Europe for that sort of stuff.

7. meet and fuck teacher cheats – There’s a game called Meet And Fuck Teacher? Why am I just now finding this out?

8. a-team board gameI totally reviewed that.

9. bear hugger super punch out – More like Bear FUCKER, amirite?

10. top 100 snes gamesBAM!

11. nes games that nobody heard of – I don’t know; I haven’t heard of them.

12. itchy crotch before period – Uh yeah, about that…


13. how much space do centipedes need – As much as it takes.

14. sirron kcuhc dnif – Old joke is old… and retarded.

15. five green and speckled frogs – sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs. YUM YUM!

16. was there ever a super mario bros sequel – If you are inquiring about the live action movie from 1993, then no, there was never a sequel. If you are inquiring about the 1985 video game, then you are a fucking idiot.

17. photos of fatalities bodies still there – I’m guessing this isn’t a Mortal Kombat search. You’re a sick fuck.

18. how to beat friday the 13th nes – Like this:

This is a neutral area.

19. would a boy do if they like you – Personally, I would do anything for love. But I won’t do that.

20. radio kaos – Meh. Amused To Death was way better.

21. watching your parents fuck – They have a name for that. It’s called the Eigth Circle of Hell.

22. syd lexia endings – Syd Lexia actually has close to forty different endings, and you’ll have to play through several branching storylines to get all the endings. Good luck!

23. heathcliff theme song lyricsHere.

24. is link from legend of zelda a girl – No, but Sheik is.

25. joke about being on an island – So there’s a fat guy, an eggplant, and a couple of fruits…

Stop me if you've heard this one...

26. quiz and dragonsI totally reviewed that, too.

27. where can i find the harp in dragon warrior nes – The Silver Harp is in Garinham. You will need two keys to get at it. You will also need to be prepared to fight a shitload of monsters.

28. erin esurance super naked fucking – How exactly does one become “super naked”? Fuck it, I’m outta here.

This FWSE has ended. Go in peace to love and serve pop culture.

June 29, 2009 – 11:17 PM by Syd Lexia


Haddox is trolling lesbians.


June 25, 2009 – 6:36 PM by Syd Lexia

      Unless you’ve been in a drug-induced stupor for the last few hours, you’ve almost certainly heard the shocking news: pop superstar Michael Jackson is dead. What you may not have heard is that the King of Pop is rumored to have died attempting to eat a box of expired Star Wars cookies, a stunt that I myself just recently survived. Unfortunately Michael’s body was not up to the task. Over the last several years, he has suffered from several stress-related illnesses that have left his body in a weakened state and ingesting the cookies proved to be too much for him. He went into cardiac arrest and died. And unlike me, Michael opted not keep to one of his siblings nearby to supervise the experiment and dial an ambulance in case things went south. By the time his collasped body was discovered, resuscitation proved impossible. And so we have fallen on very sad times; the world has lost one of its greatest entertainers. So now, let us take a few moments to think about Michael Jackson and to mourn him. And let us remember him not just as a talented singer, but also as a massive Sega fanboy. And let us do this by reading my 2005 review of the classic Moonwalker arcade game. It’s what Michael would have wanted.
Michael Jackson, 1958-2009. Rest In Peace.